sabato 16 maggio 2009

Friday, May 15th 2009 @ very late Blog #14

Friday, May 15th 2009 @ very late
Blog #14

I had my 2nd language test today and it didn’t go as well as the first. It seems like I reversed a whole section of sentences because it sounded better in my head. Prof. Maiellaro said she would take a look at it because she thinks that I just did it different rather than wrong. Sometimes there’s no black and white answer with languages, especially when you’re learning both written and spoken.
Tonight we went barhopping with the entire group. It was a lot of fun and I didn’t have to be the mom! We found one place that was playing 70s through the 90s music, so us 20 Americans crashed the discoteca, and the DJ loved us. One word: YMCA…..and various U.S.A. chanting. My translating abilities consisted of:
‘He says he loves you’
‘Tell him he barely knows me’
‘He wants to marry you’
‘He barely knows me!’

(Photo: Maria, Stefano, Me, and Regan)

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